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Welcome to St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Welcome to St. Paul's Episcopal Church Welcome to St. Paul's Episcopal Church Welcome to St. Paul's Episcopal Church336-667-4231
200 W Cowles Street
Wilkesboro, North Carolina
Signed in as:
200 W Cowles Street
Wilkesboro, North Carolina
The Third Sunday in Lent
March 23, 2025
The Reverend Stephanie E. Parker has been serving as our Rector since August 2020. Adapting to Parish Leadership in the midst of a Pandemic has been an interesting process.
As our journey together unfolds Mother Stephanie is always looking for opportunities to build Beloved Community. Beloved Community is known in its doing. It creates a welcoming and hospitable place for all of God's children--no exceptions. Joy, forgiveness, hospitality, and reconciliation is sought in our common life and we rejoice in the Love of Jesus as we seek to be as Jesus to our neighbors in Wilkesboro and beyond.
Mother Stephanie has been serving as a priest in the Episcopal Church since 2003. Prior to that Stephanie was an Exercise Physiologist in both research and clinical settings.
Growing up in a military family and living in a variety of cultural contexts, Stephanie learned early how important it is to build welcoming community and she brings that to her ministry in a variety of ways. She attended Virginia Theological Seminary in Arlington, VA and has since had the privilege to serve wonderfully diverse types of parishes; each with its own unique way of representing the timeless tradition of the Episcopal Church.
She is also an avid lover of all creatures great and small and has fulfilled her lifelong dream of having her own farm where a variety of animals can live and thrive. Dragonfly Farm is currently home to four Quarter horses, three (large) goats, and a blind cow. In addition the farm boasts four rescue cats and a rescue dog, Rocco, who hails from Wilkesboro!
Stephanie is a big believer in Joy and God’s Abundant Life and is deeply committed to opening wide the Way of welcome to all the children of God. After seminary she received a Lilly Grant for Leadership Development called The First Three Years that augmented her theological education with a further three years of Leadership study that included principles from Harvard Business School, Hay 360 Emotional Intelligence Training, and a variety of other sources. The Lilly Grant also sent her to Jerusalem to learn Scripture in Context and Canterbury Cathedral for Anglican immersion. As a Doctor of Ministry participant she also grew her passion for congregational development and Family Systems which broadens and informs all aspects of parish life.
What Stephanie values the most is building strong lay leadership, collaborative ministry teams and co-creating a community that is hungry for God’s compassion and justice.
If you are a seeker, pilgrim, or if you've given up on the Church, but not on God, St. Paul's is a space of welcome for all of your wondering and wandering. Join Us.
“You are entering a conversation that began long before you were born and will continue long after you are dead.” This sign greets worshippers as they enter Winchester Cathedral in England. Jesus walked the earth, preached, taught, healed and passed along a message of hope, love and justice. Since his death, Christians formed churches to worship and serve the world in Jesus’ name. We inherit a tradition of worship that incorporates singing, Scripture reading and a weekly celebration of the last supper. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate fully in worship and Holy Communion, especially children. If you want to learn more about the Episcopal Church or membership, please speak to our clergy.
In the repetition of our rituals and the receiving of blessed bread and wine, we open our hearts to the mystery that is God. In the greeting of one another, we open our hearts to each other. When worship is concluded, we open our hearts to the world. Welcome to the lively, ancient, beautiful conversation.
The mission of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church is to teach and preach Jesus’ message of welcome, forgiveness and abundant grace. We support one another and our neighbors in need while seeking to be a vital component of our larger community.
St. Paul’s seeks to be a center of Christ’s love where all are cherished, where compassion guides our actions, where joy guides our worship and each person is encouraged to grow in faith. We envision a world where all know their value and worth as children of God.
“we are all one in Christ Jesus.”
Galatians 3:28
All are welcome to worship and participate fully in the life of St. Paul’s regardless of age, race, sexuality, gender or religious background. We value you just how God created you.
“love one another as I have loved you.”
John 15:12
All we do is based in love for God and one another. Our God gave up everything because of his love for us; we are commanded to love just as extravagantly. We believe love is the antidote to the violence, hate and selfishness that pervades our world. “If it’s not about love, it’s not about God.”—Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
“where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:21
We worship a God of abundance and we honor God when we give generously. St. Paul’s shares our beautiful spaces, our church resources and our personal finances to build up the kingdom of God. Generosity opens our hearts and frees us from greed and materialism.
Our values reflect our 185 year history, reveal who we are and act as our code of ethics. They give us a shared language, clarify what we do, give us focus and keep us accountable.
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Wilkesboro, N.C: A physical landmark of beauty and a spiritual beacon of hope since its founding in 1836. A parish with a long and storied history, at St. Paul’s we pray together, work together, learn, laugh, and sing together. We try every day to share a little bit of God’s love with our hurting world.
The Holy Eucharist (Rite II) is at the center of the community’s life and is celebrated at 8:30am and 10:30am every Sunday.
As we celebrate God’s love and try to extend that grace into the world through prayer, worship and outreach we invite all to join us. You are welcome here.
If you are interested in receiving newsletters and announcements from St. Paul's, please sign up through the form.
We love visitors, so feel free to come for one of our services.
Masks are no longer required to be worn by vaccinated persons during worship, however, if you feel most comfortable wearing a mask, please continue to do so.
206 West Cowles Street, Wilkesboro, North Carolina 28697, United States
Open today | 08:00 am – 03:30 pm |
Sunday Services:
8:30 am Holy Eucharist in Chapel
10:30 am Holy Eucharist in Sanctuary
Our mailing address is:
PO Box 95, Wilkesboro, NC 28697