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Episcopal Church Women meet on the second Monday of each month at noon in the Parish House from September through May. If you need a few hours away from the home front and a chance to socialize with other women, please join us at our monthly meetings. Sometimes it’s bring-your-own-lunch and sometimes a member provides a light luncheon! We usually have an entertaining program that can feature community information, life enhancement, crafting, religion and charitable efforts. All meetings are open to women of the parish and guests (male and female).
Coming up in the 2024-25 year we’ll have programs on The Art of Fermentation, Holy Oils of the Bible, the Child Advocacy Center in our county, and others focusing on food, photography, and Christmas fun. Watch this webpage and the parish e-bulletin for notices about upcoming programs.
In the past we’ve had exciting programs on St. Paul’s architecture, stained glass windows and the labyrinth; pasta making and baking; Christmas decorations; nutrition and exercise; storytelling; gravestone art; the history of Bible stories; dramatic theater readings; and the county fair.
Our one fundraising event of the year is a Fall Bazaar at which we sell baked goods, arts & crafts, and white elephant items. This year we are excited to be cooperating with several local churches to hold a “Bazaar Crawl,” with each church holding their bazaar on the same day!
Our charitable works include donations to community organizations and our own Crisis Ministry and Step-Ahead programs; providing food for get-togethers in our parish; and collections for foster children, the homeless, infants, and those isolated in their homes.
ECW has been one of the stalwart supporters of St. Paul’s Church since the group was founded in 1896. We were commended by our bishop nearly 100 years ago for being instrumental in raising money to rebuild our historic chapel when the 1928 windstorm destroyed the north wall.
ECW members enjoyed delicious broccoli-cauliflower-rice casserole and blueberry cobbler at the March 2025 meeting - Linda Schneider presented the program on Vegetarian and Vegan meals. You can pick up a copy of her booklet which contains 16 recipes at the Parish Office.